Scrum Development Procss and Rules

The product owner gets the products requirements from the customer (end users, executives or other stakeholders).

Example: Cusomter tell stories ( ABC features ) to Product owner. Product owner rank most important stories in Product backlog as features.

Product Backlog
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3

Product Owner adds the rigt user stories to the product backlog- the ultimate wish list for making the prodcut awesome

Product Owner decides what user stories shouldbe given the most priority, s/he defines acceptance criteria and the communicates business, requirements to the scrum team

Backlog Refinement

Is a meeting of the the product owner and the team members for the purpose of ensuring that the product backlog contains only suitable items in order of priority. Questions form team members are also attended to during this time.

This is when the scrum master facilitates a meeting between the product owner and the developers team to determine what needs to be complted in the next sprint

Potentially Shippable Product
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3

Total Product backlog iteam to be deliverd at the at the end of each sprint.

Sprint Retrospective

A discussion on what went wrong during the last sprint and how the next sprint could be improved.

Finally, through incremental product release, the product owner is able to deliver value to the customer.

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